Friday, 10 October 2014

Film Noir Information Sheet

this double sided sheet identifies the key and most important parts of film noir. this well be useful for me when i need to be reminded.

Red Riding Hood in the style of Film Noir

This is my own version of a film noir, i have taken the fair tale 'little red riding hood' and have turned it into my interpretation of a film noir film. it involves the uses characters, red riding hood, the grandmother, reds mother, the wolf and the lumberjack, but they all play different roles that normal. 

Film Noir Foundation

Fan club of film noir:

History of Film Noir

Film noir, which mean 'black film' in French, was used originally by French critics to describe dark American detective and thriller films usually based around the early 40s to late 50s. the most recognizable characteristics in film noir are pessimism, fatalism, menace and cynical. Orson Welles made many films, for example 'Citizen Kane' in 1941 with this any others Welles made an important contribution to the development of film noir in the 40s.

Film noir is usually involves specific types of characters including a anti-hero, the bad guy, anti-heroin, redemptive woman and corrupt police, the setting of these films usually always involve bars, lounges, night clubs and gambling venues, the scene of action commonly at night with low lighting. Film noir is still betrayed today in modern films.

Thursday, 9 October 2014

Top Four Favourite Films


Inception is my number one favourite film above all because I love the whole idea of going into dreams and takes things out and putting things in them, I love how complicated it is with all the different skill required such as a forger, architect, point-man and and an extractor and even more. I love how the film makes it feel as if it were possible to do what they do and it makes you wonder. A also like the music and how load and over powering it is to add to the suspense of what may happen as they get further into a dream. The ending of the film, where you don't know whether the spinning top falls over or not is the most frustrating thing in the world but I love that they left it at the to make you think for the rest of you life whether or not it fell over, because I know no matter how much I wish, there's not going to be a second one.

Having to put this film second was hard as it is just so good. some people say to me that its quite boring as its so long but I think that just adds to all the other good things about it, the music in this film makes it something else, its so unusual but that's what good about it, if you were to hear one of the songs you would remember how brilliant the film is! knowing that is a DC film makes it even better as they are comics. The blot of the film, I think, is brilliant and so unexpected, the characters are ordinary people apart from one, who only became the way he is from an accident, which is good because unlike other super hero films, mainly marvel, it is a little more realistic.

The reason I like this film is because I have always loved spider-man and when the first amazing spider-man came out it was so much better and more entertaining than the first trilogy, and then the second amazing spider-man came out and it just blew my mind, it was so good, I have never cried so much at a film, the blot was just ten times better than before, the fact that you are told that its only possible for him to receive the powers that he's got due too his dad putting him DNA in the spiders makes the other one look stupid and that spider could have bitten anyone really. Also having Gwen die was the biggest shock ever, every time I watch, even though I know its going to happen I burst out in tears. I think the characters in it were brilliant, the only down side to this film was that I did drag on, it didn't need to be as long as it was, but over all it was amazing.
The reason I love Coraline so much is because it is so weird and messed up, its the sort of film that would give you nightmares even though its only a PG, what else would you expect from Tim Burton, I love the way its made and the plot is just something else, Coraline basically goes through a little door where she meets a double of her parents and neighbors who all happen to have buttons for eyes who all turn out to be nut cases, where the mother wants to stitch buttons on to Coralines eyes and eat her soul, I cant see how anyone could dislike this film really. I cant really find the words to explain why I like this film its just so good I could and sometimes do watch it on repeat.

Our own sweded film

In this task i worked in a group of three with ruby Millard and Charlie Norman to make our own seweded film. the film we chose to do was 'toy story 2' as it is a very popular Disney film that if see would be instantly recognized, as it being a animated film it was very interesting to make but lots of fun.

'Toy Story 2' planning and production poof

These photos are evidence of u own sewed film, toy story 2. the first two are all our videos we will be editing and putting together. the third one is our notes and the last one is he title of the film.

Sweded films

Sweded films are an imitation of well-known film, remade at a low budget with just your every day video camera with homemade props, anything you can get your hands on really. in 2008 a film called 'be kind rewind' was released, in it was two man who owned a video store, when all the films get wiped they thought it would be a good idea to create their own versions so not to get fired, these films became popular, the customers where told that they were from Sweden, that’s why they’re now called sweded films. Because of this hundreds of thousands of people around the world now create their our sweded films.